Any further questions do contact us.

Confirmation Booking

Check in and check out timing

  • Check in time : 1400hrs  – 1700hrs daily.                                                                  
  • Check out time : 0900hrs – 1200hrs daily.                                                                          

 Note : Do contact us for late check out or early check in. Additional charges may applied. And subjected to room availability.

Pre requisition for our “Guests”

Our facility is a AVS License Boarder all “Pre requisition” are by AVS guideline and conditions.

All guests must be vaccinated against the following before check in and is required to submit a proof with a copy of Health Vaccinated card.

  1. Feline parvovirus/panleukopenia virus.
  2. Feline calicivirus.
  3. Feline herpes virus/rhinotracheitis virus.

The course of vaccination must have been completed at least two weeks before the day of check in .

Note :- Please contact us in advance if you required assistance on these matters.


All guests must be FELV/FIV ne gative.

Certification of test results is required during the check in.

Note :- Please contact us in advance if you required assistance on these matters.


 Your cat must be neutered. Neutered cats will minimize yowling/calling or urine spraying

 (Except kittens below 6 months of age who are too young to be neutered.)

Note :- Please inform us if your cat is not neutered.

Contagious Diseases.

For the safe guards and pleasant stay for other guests

We have the right to reject any guests which carry any infectious/contagious diseases  or exhibiting symptoms during the check in.

(skins condition ,  looking weak / sick , diarrheas, ticks, fleas, mites and eyes infections).

In some special cases, we may accept a written note issued by a Veterinary. 

Rejection during check in.

Guests does not meet the requirement at the point of check in a 50% deposits will be refunded and 50% fee on the booking will be retained.

There will be no refund fee for our Limousine service if are engage for the check in.

Writing Consent.

A written consent from owner, if more then one “guest” sharing in a room.  

An indemnity and a pet assessment form  will be sign by the Owner and provide to us within 48 hours before check in. 


If the guest falls ill during the stay with us, they will be taken to your choice of veterinary if the veterinary are uncontactable or unavailable. Guest will be taken to a nearest available  veterinary. 

All medical costs will be borne by the owner. And a fees of $75.00 for the Limousine service will be charge to the owner.


Owner will prepare their pet’s meal and written feeding instructions during the guest stay. Meal will collected during the check in and will be label accordingly. 

Our complimentary in-house wet food is from Aatas Cat and the dry kibbles are from Science diet kitten and Taste of the wilds.  

Feeding Timing

08:30am – 09.30am

1:00pm – 1:30pm

5:30pm – 6:30pm

Allocated Suites

Alll guests will be strictly be in their allocated suites. Be assured that our guests will be at their suite all by itself . We strictly adhere to our policy and do not allow free roaming / socialize with other guests .

Entertainment Session

Although you can view our  24 hours Live streaming at any time . We will still update you  twice a day for the daily photo / video  during the entire stay.

Each of our guest or a group of guests in a suite will be entertain by our butler at least 15 min a day. 

Additional entertainment timing for our guest will be charge at $10.00 per 15 minutes.